Health & Wellbeing for the Community 2 of 8

2. Dementia Friendly Petersfield

PRFC has the honour of supporting the Petersfield Dementia Choir at the Clubhouse, Penns Place

From Tuesday 28th January, the Clubhouse will be the venue for the Choir organised by Dementia Friendly Petersfield.

The sessions will run from 10:45 to 12:00 on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month.

For further details, see the poster (below) or contact:
Jeff Williams - 0789 195 702
Caroline Blatter - 07557 914 954

Starting on Tuesday 28th January, the Clubhouse will be the venue for the Choir organised by Dementia Friendly Petersfield.

The sessions will run from 10:45 to 12:00 on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month.

For further details, see the poster (below) or contact:
Jeff Williams - 0789 195 702
Caroline Blatter - 07557 914 954