(also from David Hirst)
The Petersfield A VIIs team group was taken at the 1959 Easter Havant Sevens when we were beaten 19-3 in the final by RAOC Hillsea after a knackering 34 minute 2nd round against Gosport A in which we had to play several sets of extra time, all in pouring rain and thick mud!! Beating O. Portsmuthians 6-3 in the semi-final had taken just about all we had left.
Petersfield B team had lost to Gosport B 3-0 after 45 minutes in their bye-round.
L-R top row - David Hirst, George Wheatley, Richard Gibb, Mike Martin
Bottom row - Malcolm Thomas, Brian Wilde, Eric Lipscombe. (Small figure under the umbrella in the background is Angela Church, our ever faithful supporter, not yet married to David)